EZ sensor cleaning VDust Plus multi ingredient, Iso alcoholic solution, removes oil fast, evaporates fast, excellent for cleaning mirror with DHAP orange swab, streak free motion, best used with DHAP Orange swab excellent to be used on fluorine coated sensor.
Orange DHAP Vswab patented V shape results best manoeuvrability inside chamber, used in high end industrial optic cleaning such as space optical lenses, woven fabric prevents scratches, holds liquid the best, thin and extremely soft, only compatible with VDust Plus solution, streak free motion of the swab is due to its patented Vshape, reaches the corner best, excellent for mirror cleaning when used with VDust Plus, not compatible with sensor clean or smear away.
SCF is an acronym for Super Charged Fibres and it is the name that VisibleDust has given to the technology it developed when creating the special fibres used in its Sensor Brush®. The charge draws the dust away from the sensor onto the bristles.
- This Kit includes:
- Orange Vswab® (5)
- Liquid cleaner VDust Plus™ (1,15 ml)
- Sensor Brush® (1)
VisibleDust highly recommends for cameras without low pass filter to use orange DHAP Vswabs® with Vdust Plus™ instead of Green MXD100.
- These cameras include:
- Nikon D800E, 7100, 5300
- Pentax K-3, Ks II S
- Ricoh GR
- Olympus OM-D E-M1
- Sony Alpha 7 and 7R